I am a mathematician and programmer, working in some intersection or another or these two fields. Presently, I'm working on compilation problems at OpenAI, where I was also a previously a Fellow thinking about active learning. Before this, I've worked on control electronics design for quantum computing at AWS, on quantum compilation at IBM Research and at Rigetti Computing, and on (chromatic) homotopy theory in academia. In addition to "traditional" research, I am very interested in communication within scientific circles. I used to spend a lot of time coaxing my topologist peers to speak the language of number theory.
My tour in academia consisted of a Benjamin Peirce postdoctoral fellowship in the Harvard math department, graduate work at Berkeley under Constantin Teleman, and undergraduate studies in computer science at Urbana-Champaign under Matt Ando and Elsa Gunter.
This URL used to host a group research blog, Chromotopy.
My mathematical interests are in using algebro-geometric tools to answer questions in algebraic topology, and I have a penchant for computations—but I've done some other things too.
I passed my qualifying exam on November 23rd, 2011. Here are my qual syllabus and transcript of the exam questions I could remember.
Here is an unedited copy of my PhD thesis. Beware: this document contains several significant errors. Readers should consult the published version for the original research and the book project for the exposition. A long time ago, I wrote an undergraduate thesis under Elsa Gunter, where we explored a modification of ambient process calculi. Unfortunately, the main technical result remains unfinished.
I'm not very active, but I have also written some things on MathOverflow.
Also, here are two animations of the stabilization of the unstable Adams spectral sequence for the sphere, at the prime 2 and at the prime 3, due to Barnes, Poduska, and Shick.
I've given a good number of talks, and I was often funded through a teaching position. Students and onlookers can find both talk notes and course pages below.
pmod_mtds: | |
monodromy: | |
dTQEC: | |
quilc: | |
Atlas: | |
Ext Chart: | |
Op[]: | |
Coact: | |
A-cocycles: | |
A-visual: | |
M-cocycles: | |
Persistent Sullivan models: | |
Swift-Agenda: | |
Agenda: | |
Smithy: | |
MW2: |
This is a work in progress.