Watercooler research
May 2014
May 01:
On L-functions and algebraic K-theory
March 2014
March 13:
The K-Theory of Endomorphisms
February 2014
February 26:
Hypothetical abelian varieties from K-theory
November 2013
November 27:
Some Thoughts on Descent and Descent Data
November 16:
Truncations of E-theory
October 2013
October 20:
Loop spaces and descent
May 2013
May 02:
Topologized objects in algebraic topology
April 2013
April 19:
Stanley symmetric functions
April 04:
Determinantal K-theory
April 01:
The (very nice) Bousfield Lattice of Harmonic Spectra
February 2013
February 18:
Reduced words
February 18:
Iwasawa theory for chromatic localizations
August 2012
August 14:
Spectral cotangent space
June 2012
June 06:
Homogeneous functors
August 2011
August 24:
Higher order Weil pairings
March 2011
March 29:
Torus actions and maximal tori, part 2
March 10:
Spectral sequences on one blackboard
February 2011
February 24:
Motivating Goodwillie's construction
February 17:
Minimal Models, Maximal Mathematics: Part I
December 2010
December 18:
What are Witt vectors?
December 17:
Torus actions and maximal tori, part 1
November 2010
November 18:
Self Avoiding (Random) Walks
November 04:
Topological Vector Wackness
September 2010
September 28:
A Quickie on Convergence
June 2010
June 13:
Eilenberg--Mac Lane spaces in the chromatic picture
April 2010
April 15:
Devinatz--Hopkins--Smith III
March 2010
March 30:
Complex orientations and the Steenrod algebra
March 11:
Devinatz--Hopkins--Smith II
March 10:
Devinatz--Hopkins--Smith I
March 09:
Adversarial Statistics
February 2010
February 27:
On an isomorphism from G_T to G_1
February 18:
Primes and Probability
February 13:
Bundles for adults
February 12:
Jordan type of a modular representation
February 07:
Schreier theory, Pi Mu Epsilon talk
February 06:
Grand Opening